Showbiz... or the bizness we call "SHOW", was at the forefront of Private Widdle's mind for this event.
With life president Paul Foot in what he calls Austrailala for a month at the Melbourne Comedy festival, Private Widdle had to think of a relplacement for April's meeting and took, ooh, at least 10 seconds to come up with the name: Lenny Beige; London's top cabaret host.
Of course, Private Widdle and Lenny Beige have been old showbiz muckers since the Rediffusion days and working the summer season in Butlin's Las Vegas. Since then they had one brief meeting on the set of 'The Word", the early days of Planet 24, and C4. While Lenny cut a swathe through Amanda de Cadanet and Danny Behr - like a hot Jewish knife through a cream cheese and lox bagel - Widdle was dusting himself down liberally with what he thought was baby powder in the lavatories with Mark LaMarr and the band members of Nirvana. It made the Private's armpits very numb, let alone the bit that always stays damp between the Widdle privates and the backstage pass...
Reader; there is an element, however vague in the mists of time, of truth in this.
Fifteen or so years later they found themselves reunited on the set of The Legend of Dick and Dom. How they have thrived. (Beige and Widdle, not Dick'n'Dom) A deal was struck and Beige came to Deal and triumphed as only he can. Grown men and people in wheelchairs were weeping, so starved had they been of real showbinnez in the town. Pantomime impresarios and TV commissioners were reeling euphorically in the aisles, presented at last with real entertainment.
What the people want to see.
The most hardest working man in semi-showbizness, Beige will be back and the town will once again be on the map, New York, Las Vegas, London, Paris and Deal.
This friendship and near marriage made in showbiz heaven bore its bastard child/fruit on Saturday, with the help of East Enders Down's Mother, Emma Barton, Star also of Chicago.
Plus the yet-to-be -famous (but only a matter of time) Miss Pussy d'Amour. Mis Jezabelle duBois & MajorPerineum Twang and their performing snake...and son. The Craters and other hopefuls too numerous to mention, but copiously talented all.
The Private Widdle Social Club pulls it(self) off once again! There will be more....
Photographic evidence to follow...
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